You need a pain clinic
In 2024 we contracted with The Pain Treatment Centers of America to produce a short film for their social media campaign: Do You Need A Pain Clinic? The chronic pain medical industry has inherent challenges in reaching it’s audience.
In 2024 we contracted with The Pain Treatment Centers of America to produce a short film for their social media campaign: Do You Need A Pain Clinic? The chronic pain medical industry has inherent challenges in reaching it’s audience. First, most businesses are referral based, which limits the effectiveness of direct marketing to customers. Second, there is a cultural bias toward pain management that paints it in a negative light. The world is quite familiar with the opiate epidemic and it’s devastating effects on society. One might assume that chronic pain clinics such as PTCOA would be a major perpetrator contributing to the problem. The reality is that they offer comprehensive treatment plans that focus on procedures and therapies rather than solely on medication. Not only that, they are actively fighting against the opiate epidemic and take considerable measure to insure their patient’s are using their medication correctly. But that doesn’t stop the stigma from discouraging potential patients from seeking chronic pain treatment.
The challenge for this project was telling story that addressed all these issues. We chose to tell the story of Cecil, a patient suffering from chronic pain that is significantly impairing his livelihood, but who is resistant to seeking the help he needs. After shrugging off his doctor’s recommendation, Cecil must come face-to-face with how his chronic pain is impacting not only his life, but his loved ones as well. When his daughter gives him the final push he needs, Cecil accepts his doctor’s recommendation for PTCOA and is given an in-depth look at their comprehensive approach to pain management. At the end of his visit, Cecil can only come to one conclusion: “I need a pain clinic!”